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Skillful swimmers have more fun.

Swim Gear

Required individual swim gear:

  • Lesson swimmers need a snug-fitting suit and goggles.

  • Team swimmers need to have a competition-style solid black suit, Islanders team swim cap, snorkel, swim fins, and an ISHOF SaferSwimmer flotation device (see below). A-Team swimmers that are 10 years old and older will need to have a Tempo Timer.

white palm tree from West Texas Swim Coaching's logo

Swim Outlet

For the convenience of our swimmers, I have selected certain items from Swim Outlet that I use and recommend (from the thousands of items they carry).  Click on the this button to view and/or order these items.

Safer Swimmer carries ISHOF SaferSwimmers.  If they are ever out of stock for some reason, instead of buying a cheap substitute probably at a higher price, click the button to go to the official safer swimmer site to purchase.  

Gift Certificates

Gift certificates for any dollar amount are available all year round.  Contact Coach Harris for details.

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